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  • gretchenvillegas1

What does Global Development provide to children and youth around the world?

An opportunity to meet people from other countries and learn about other cultures, languages, and ways of life.


children looking at map of the world

When I was in the Peace Corps, I was able to spend time with the children looking at world maps.  They were so interested in where I came from, where my family was living, and where they were on the map.  This curiosity was only possible due to the following:


  • Accepting to spend 2 years in the Peace Corps and willing to learn the local language so that I could spend time discussing the world map with children and youth

  • Allowing children to engage in asking questions

  • Sharing about myself, my family, my hopes, dreams, and what my life was like growing up so that I could build a trustful relationship with the children


When global development opportunities bridge the divide between countries, cultures, and languages, it is amazing what happens.  There is a true sense of understanding that was not present before.  And a willingness to be curious and learn more on the part of children that then spreads to the entire community. 


Are your organization’s Global Development children and youth activities seeking to build trust with local communities so they can understand other cultures?

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